Life just isn’t fare

Are you going my way?

Nothing else is.

I’ll just ride to the end of the line if that’s ok.

Why not? Why not just ride wherever this line takes me? Why not just cast off everything else?

I’ll be “aboard the Freedom Bus, heading for Good Time City. And I haven’t even paid my fare.”

I am Cone Alone.

Cone getting on bus

Basin my decision in facts

Well this seems familiar.

Salt Flats sign

Let’s see. Do I want to try it?

Salt Flats 1

I’d hate to make a Hastings decision.

Salt Flats 2

I’m sure I could make it across with no problem. Right?

Salt Flats 3


Salt Flats 4

Ah, forget it.

I don’t want to become a Cone-ibal.

I’m not even an organ Donner.

I am Cone Alone.

Train in Vain: TYWCA guest post

“A year without Cone Alone: like waiting for the train you know is coming, but for some reason keeps being delayed by another 10 minutes. The world moves around you, going about its business, but you continue to wait. You continue to wait because you know what’s coming is worth it.”

Photo courtesy of Kira J.

Photo courtesy of Kira J.

“We’ve waited roughly 525,600* minutes for the return of Cone Alone. Was it worth the wait? Most definitely! But maybe next time, don’t make us wait so long…”

Photo courtesy of Kira J.

Photo courtesy of Kira J.

*Rent suggests this is how you measure a year. If this is not how you measure a year in the life of a Cone, how do you measure a year? Perhaps you measure it in daylights, in sunsets, in midnights in cups of coffee? In inches, in miles, in laughter and strife?

Thirsty for life

Family reunions.

I know some people hate them, but I love them. After all, it’s the only time I get to see my Aunt Hydrant.

She’s my dad’s sister. A few of us younger adults are fascinated with her.

She travels all over. She hangs out with plumbers, firefighters and even neighborhood kids.

And she loves us. In fact, she can’t quit gushing about how great we are and how much we’ve grown.

She makes me realize I don’t have to be stuck here in this town. I can go places. I can travel the world.

I am inspired.

I am Cone Alone.